What is Repossession Rescue and how could it help you?
What is Repossession Rescue and how could it help you?
Many have asked me why I became part of Repossession Rescue. Its simple. Most of us at some time myself included have been in debt in one way or the other.
Trouble is when one is in that space the thought of trying to pay the next bill gnaws at the stomach from every call, every letter, every stranger asking to pay up when finances are in freefall.
Add to that the risk of losing the house, growing every day and the anxious feelings going shopping worrying if there is enough to cover purchases and would the card be declined?
There's a limit to how much anyone can take – first Covid and now the economic situation the country is now in. However, it's important to understand that your money situation is in your hands. Making the change means taking back control.
Regaining your power and your perspective. Learning to love and trust yourself. Building up better habits. And finding the place where you finally feel worthy again.
The triumph of the human spirit to adapt and overcome is what I truly believe in. It's what drives me to keep going. To keep finding ways to educate, support and help others to not just survive, but to thrive. So, when the opportunity to become part of the Repossession Rescue organization to help someone along the way to help get their lives back on track with my knowledge and experience in property, I jumped at it.
After all, you never know when the help you give will be returned to you when you need it. So, if you need help, and especially with your property, let me know.
Repossession Rescue – Saving Lives One Home at a time.
#property #sellyourhouse #mauinvestmetn

Posted: Tue 21 Nov 2023
