Thinking of selling? Renovate to increase the value.
Thinking of selling? Renovate to increase the value.
It’s well known that renovating a house before you put it on the market can be worthwhile. However embarking on a renovation project can be a daunting process, whether it’s just a bathroom or an entire house. You will need the funds and the knowledge of how best to maximise the effect.
First, you will need to evaluate whether you can renovate. Do you have the time – the knowledge and the money to do so. You need to know that if you do the investment and time required will pay you back. No funds and/or little knowledge. No problem. Mau Investments can help you.
When you do renovate its important beforehand to decide who the potential buyer will be and tailor the renovation to suit the needs and desires of that buyer. And not necessarily what your taste might be.
And don’t cut corners. Or try to get a job done for next to nothing. You will more than likely end up with a bad contractor. Don’t fuss over every little penny or you’ll alienate your contractor. You need to have them on your side. And yes you can do it yourself, no problem but getting professionals to do the job means the renovation is completed to a high standard.
The extra money you spend will help to seduce and persuade people to buy..
Moreover, make sure you have all the necessary insurances before you embark on any home renovation project.
I hope this has been helpful. If you’re considering selling any time soon, we should talk.
Mau Investments – Property Solutions made easy

Posted: Wed 13 Dec 2023
