3 things to look for in an area to invest.
Before looking to invest in any area it is important to consider if it meets your investment strategy and criteria.
To do this, here are three things that you may wish to consider
1. Is there growth in the area (is there new investment, are there planned developments, is there a growing population etc)
2. What are the demographics of the people that live there (again, do they fit your strategy. An aging higher earner for example, is more likely to want to buy, and will be less likely to want to rent if that is your strategy. Renters may be a younger demographic of working age)
3. What are the transport links and facilities like, (again would they suit your strategy and the demographic that you are serving. For example renters are likely of the younger demographic that needs to either find work locally or have good transport links to commute.)

Posted: Wed 20 Dec 2023
